Monday, June 23, 2008

Sitting in the Catbird Seat

I had the opportunity this evening to sit back and relax while on the way home from my husband's family's summer get-together today. Obviously, the first thing I would do would be to grab my camera and start taking pictures. No, really.

It looks like storms are in store for someone. Hint: we are headed west at this point.

My daughter, who was driving my brand new car, pointed out that this was a striking picture: the smoke stacks spewing out its white vaporous eruption against the dark, stormy sky. I had to agree and hastened to comply with a suitable photo.

Do you remember the flash floods that some neighboring towns suffered just two weeks ago? This is one farmer's field that is now ruined as a result of that event.

The floods even compromised the integrity of this heavily traveled state route. Now, the state is forced to come in and fix the situation.

This was about the only car dealership in Martinsville, Indiana that wasn't flooded out. They even advertise this fact with a sign that proclaims "We're Open, No Flood Cars Here").

And all the way home we watch the arrival of this storm.

And yet the sun still breaks through.

1 comment:

Rosie Hawthorne said...

Beautiful cloud photos.