Friday, May 30, 2008
Today was a lazy day, so to speak. So says she who spent an hour and a half in the garden this morning, and even more time this afternoon dealing with other projects around the house.
So, enter the dinner negotiations with the husband: do I dig deep within myself to create a nice dinner with the left-over turkey breast tenderloin (nah! that's no fun!), do I find the energy to get dressed up so we can go out, or do we just order pizza in? Finally we decided on ordering pizza to go. Ah, but here's the twist: Kelley is out with friends this evening, but wants some leftover pizza. And Mr P and I don't agree on toppings. So I call to order the pizza and tell the young man that I want a large pepperoni pizza with 1/3 mushroom topping and 2/3 onion topping. Can I tell you that this young man was left sputtering over the phone?
But, it worked out and we got what we wanted. Not bad for publicly educated youth. I am impressed.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Come stroll with me through my garden...
Pork Dry Rub
1 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1/2 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. Salt
Mix and store in an air-tight container in a cool, dark place.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Happy Memorial Day and best wishes to all of our brave service people!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The rhododendrons. Bearded Iris.
The baptisia australis (false indigo) is just beginning to bloom.
Another columbine.
Bearded iris blooming amongst the lilacs.
My first rose of the season. Looks like the bug-wuggies have been busy munching on the leaves.
The azaleas are hiding in the landscaping.
Yet another columbine.
I seem to be running a cat hotel. And my cat, Midnight, is not happy about this at all.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I had the mis-fortune to shop at our local Hydrogenated, Corper-anated, Discombobulated WalMart this week. Now, you must understand this: I consider any unfortunate visit to Wally World, where I don't physically attack the mindless idiots surrounding me to be a rather unfortunate success, and at best a somewhat dubious adventure.
Er, anyway, this past week I had to go to WallyWorld and ended up buying both non-food and food items. And I have to admit that I ended up with a very friendly and talkative cashier. And then I went home and began unpacking.
I was almost laughing when I began to unwrap my purchaces. And then, finally, in utter disbelief, I began to count the plastic bags. 1 - 2 - 3 ----25! And then I checked my receipt. 45 items and - 25 bags.
Now I do recall the snickers that threatened to erupt when the diligent, if not compulsive, cashier bravely separated the packaged ground beef from the packaged ground pork (that was immediately, intimately acquaintanted with each other when I arrived home and made them into a meatloaf.
Now, fast forward this to another grocery store. Unfortunately, it seems that they will not be stocking morel mushrooms this year as no one (but me?!) bought them last year. As these rare mushrooms cost $39.99 a pound last year, and are expected to cost $49.99 a pound this year, I guess I should understand. But, hey! I have a blog and have a responsibility to my readers! And, eating a wonderfully cooked morel is a marvelous experience. Hmmph. Well, I will keep you posted on my successes (or not) on obtaining such mid-west delicacies. Oh yeah. I'm ticked, I'm ticked.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Unfortunately, it is a very rare occurance any more when all three of us happen to exist at the same time and at the same place, and are ready to eat at the same time. I, however, am ready for each and every time this occurs.
I have to admit that I love salads. Perhaps it is the idea that they are a healthy meal, or perhaps it is the idea that they should be a healthy meal, if you catch my drift. For while the salad itself may be quite healthy, the dressing will kill ya, literally.
Anyway, here is another of my favorite salads.
Plated and ready to serve. Oh, this is delicious. And I'm very sorry that you can't taste this. No, really, I am...