Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mr. Sandman and the Weather

Our area didn't get all the snow they were calling for, but we are certainly getting the ice. I think I'll just stay inside...

Just what our street needed: more sand. The snowplow came through the neighborhood this morning and left a trail. Long after the snow and ice are gone, the sand will remain. Then in the spring the county will come along and sweep it all up.

Ice covers the landscape.

Fortunately, the ice actually forms a protective barrier against the cold.

Two male cardinals brave the freezing rain to visit the bird feeders on my deck.


Rosie Hawthorne said...

I like the cardinals.

CarolynA said...

Amazing how a small difference in the weather track gives you that nasty ice and us in Chicago just unpleasantly slippery snow. (I'm still staying in, too).

Gorgeous cardinals! My sister saw a pair of them in her yard the other day. And a pair of blue jays today. Guess the weather up here has them out looking for the yards with extra food help.

(a.k.a. aardvark)