Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chocolate Indulgence
Just out of pure orneriness, every once in a blue moon I decide to make a dessert for my family.
Tonight must be a blue moon night because we had dessert.
As you might recall, I had made Brazen Brownies for the Foodie Daughter's 21st birthday.
We also had vanilla ice cream in the freezer.
I do think I feel a plan coming together.

I found a recipe for chocolate ganache that calls for
1/4 cup heavy cream (I only had Half and Half on hand, so I used that)
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate
1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter

After heating the Half and Half to simmering in the microwave, I added it to the chocolate chips.

Then the butter was whisked in.
It's that simple.

A scoop of ice cream over a brownie and a drizzle of chocolate ganache over the top completes our dessert.
I may not make dessert often, but when I do, I do it right.

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