Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Minx Mayhem and More Laundry
Minx is a very busy kitty.

What's that? There's a cat on a hot tin roof? Or at least on top of my doll house. Bad Minx.

Minx is still fascinated with the refrigerator. Now he wants to see what is in the veggie drawer.

If you recall in my last post, I had told you that the Foodie Daughter had taken the camera so she could take pictures of Minx. Please enjoy.

Minx likes to watch the fishies.

"What's behind here?"

"I wonder?..."

Minx is freaking out the fishies.

Bad Minx.

Minx has also been busy helping with the laundry.

You should really thank your lucky stars that you don't have Smell-ernet(tm). It was so bad that I had to open the windows, despite the fact that the air conditioning is on. And this was only the second of three day's worth of laundry for the week.

1 comment:

Hairball T. Hairball said...

Love the pic of Minx in the dryer!