Sunday, January 27, 2008

Midnight's "Friends"

You may remember that Midnight is my cat. My high-maintenance, highly-loveable and highly annoying cat. So this post is for him. Because it would annoy him if he understood. Yep, I'm in that kind of mood today.

An American Tree Frog on the house siding. Several live on my back deck, frequently falling out of the patio umbrella, occupying the seat you wish to fill, sitting in the gutter...

Yes, they are friendly. Even if you do have to wash your hands afterwards, if you catch my drift.

And just because this pic is too cute. Midnight (on the inside) looking at Sam (on the outside). Sam would love to live here, but Midnight says NO!

We came home today to find Sam stretched out on the garden swing, enjoying the sunshine.

Now, have you ever seen a cat laying on his back with his back legs spread out like this? I love Sam. Too bad Midnight doesn't.

Now please excuse me while I go appease a certain part-Siamese black cat.

1 comment:

Rosie Hawthorne said...

Awwww, Sam is too cute.
Not that you aren't too, Midnight!