Back in the Garden Again
Now that the weather has quieted down,
we were able to get back to work in the garden.
Now that the weather has quieted down,
we were able to get back to work in the garden.
This is listed as a Grandiflora, Hybrid Tea.
So am I.
I would not call this a Hybrid Tea.
Right after I took this picture,
Myrtle took a tumble off my hand and on to the deck.
While my husband worked on setting the pavers at the
ends of the garden paths and the concrete edgers around
the perimeter of the garden,
I worked on setting bricks in the garden to separate
the beds from the paths.
We had inherited the bricks when we bought the house
and they matched the bricks on the front of the house.
I hear that Sam's Club is already open,
so I can go get more recycled rubber mulch for the paths.