Garden Guests
I have had the privilege of documenting various garden guests this weekend. Sorry, but I didn't have my camera on hand when the deer went loping through the yard yesterday. That happens sometimes.
First off, the camera. Gee, do you think it is a bit hot and steamy outside? Given that my camera lens immediately fogged up when I stepped outside?
Well, this isn't exactly what I had in mind regarding garden guests, but I just had to share this plant with you. It is a blackberry lily (Belamcanda chinensis). Now, orange is not my color, but my husband loves orange, so natually I felt the need to incoporate this color into my garden.
Black Swallowtail caterpillars on my dill weed plant.
Couldn't you just hug them? But not too tightly, mind you.
Squee! And yet another of my Croakies. I love my gray tree frogs. Could you tell?
Tiger Swallowtail on a Butterfly Bush (Buddleia Davidii)
Black and Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies visit the Butterfly Bushes.
Those caterpillars. They come in and eat whole dill plants, overnight.
Those caterpillars ate nearly my entire parsley plant over night! Dill and parsley are their favorites.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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