Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Autumn Flowers

My moon flowers (many, many thanks to Rosie Hawthorne for the seeds) are still blooming.

Virgin's Bower (Clematis virginiana) blooms alongside the moon flower.

I recently moved my Christmas cactus inside after being outside on the front porch all summer. A coordinating impatien seeded itself in the pot last summer. As the impatien has behaved itself, I have let it be.

Fast forward a week and the Christmas cactus is now officially confused. It is in full bloom and Christmas is no where in sight.

Oh, the depths to which I will sink (well okay, it was the floor) in order to get a good picture.

Well, this is a pretty flower, even if you do have to lie on the floor underneath it to truly appreciate the beauty of the blooms.

1 comment:

Rosie Hawthorne said...

Wow. I just love my moonflowers. I think I'mgonna marry 'em. Oh Oh Oh!!! Two of my orchids are setting shoots. One of them - the moth orchid is setting two shoots. And the orchid I got from Sister Hawthorne's trashcan back in April is finally setting out a shoot.
Happy Happy!